It is said that the Israeli economy has grown by over 30% in 5 years, despite wars and the Intifada. The Palestinian economy is just the opposite.

The best proof for this came from Nigel Roberts, a senior offical at the World Bank. He has noted that Palestinians receive the highest level of aid per capita in the world, but implies that little seems to come of it.

And now along comes a report from Israel’s Civil Administration, responsible for the social and economic welfare of the West Bank. It starts by saying that as a result of less violence in the region, over 100 roadblocks have been removed. And thus?

Unemployment is dropping fast, although still too high at 19%. Tourism in places like Bethlehem has nearly doubled upto June 2008. Agricultural exports to Israel are up 25%, even after a disasterous weather spell. And so on.

This all generates real income, which assumedly must filter to the average man in the street. This will weaken the dependence on aid. And it was this aid, which seemed to feed only the violence and thus, ironically, into stabilising previous poverty levels.