When people oppose Israel, are they doing it for the right reasons? Consider these two examples: –
- President Mahmoud Abbas has defended the recent stabbings by Palestinians against Israelis in Jerusalem as a legitimate response to Israel’s oppression. The problem is that this argument justifies a continuance of hostilities against innocent people.
- Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the opposition in the UK Parliament, grudgingly believes that Israel has a right to exist under the 1948 borders. Yet, he fails to appreciate that these geographical divisions were never recognised in international law and never allowed Jews the right to pray at the Western Wall.
There comments are typical of the many criticisms to be found by political leaders and others, littered across the internet.
Now let us reconsider the events of yesterday, 19th September 2016, in Jerusalem. Yes, there were numerous attacks by Palestinians on Israelis throughout the day. And yet, while all that was happening…………
Around lunchtime, I had a medical appointment. The surgery is located in an ultraorthodox area, about a ten minute walk from the Old City of Jerusalem. I was treated by an Arab doctor, possibly a Christian.
But that is the point. Nobody asks or needs to know his religion or political views. You live together, despite the incitement of a small vocal minority on both sides.
Then later on that evening, I took part in a half marathon around the city. We weaved our way around different neighourhoods, looking at historical sites going back over 5,000 years. It was a joy. I think the first across the line was an Ethiopian, (predictably?). Again, it was an event open to all.
Israel has is faults, as do all of the other 200 or so countries around the globe, but not as described above.
So I have to ask: Just what are the likes of Abbas and Corbyn objecting to? Why do they need to peddle such falsities? What is their true agenda? For up to now they seem to be spreading hate rather than the bible of peace when it comes to the holy city of Jerusalem.