Israel’s economy sails steadily towards 2022
With a budget (finally) in place for 2022 and covid (seemingly) in check, can Israel’s economy look forward to a successful 2022?
The forecasts indicate almost 5% growth for the new year. Inflation, now the worry of central bankers in the EU and the USA, has not (yet?) fully featured in the Holy Land.
What we do know for now is that the core numbers are mostly showing positive times. An article from Reuters listed them, and they start with a largely successful inoculation campaign against covid. Even tourism is opening up.
In the third quarter, exports grew 7.5% for its fifth straight quarterly gain, while investment in fixed assets rose 14.8%. Private spending — the main economic driver — increased just 0.7% after a 33.5% jump the prior three months. Led by high-tech, exports continued to rise in the face of a 25-year high for the shekel versus the dollar and 20-year peak against the euro.
The high-tech sector continues to race ahead. In this small country of 9.3 million people, packed into an area the size of Wales, another 20 companies announced investment rounds in the past three days alone. And one, StarkWare, joined the unicorn club.
You never know what is round the corner, but for now the central economic planners in Jerusalem can be pleased with their achievement.