Is it possible to grow a business exponentially?
A few weeks ago, I wrote about how and when to change your business model. However, as good Israelis, many of my clients are impatient. They ask me how they can grow their enterprise, and do so quickly.
So, my skills as a business coach and mentor are thus challenged, big time.
Samuel Medly posted a fascinating piece on five corporate trends to watch out for in 2019. The first item refers to “Quantum Innovation”.
Quantum innovation is the name given to the kind of innovation characterized by bold and creative thinking designed to take an enterprise into a lucrative new paradigm – even if that means going beyond the bounds of the existing business model……
Companies should work towards a goal 10x greater than what they believe they can achieve, working from first principles and uncertain profiles, while emphasising speed and experimentation.
Even applying that to thought to my own set up is fascinating and fun. So why shouldn’t you follow suit also?
So I would like to combine Medley’s offering with the words of Dr. Robert Brooks, who posed the question: “What is the number one habit of self-made millionaires?” Spoiler alert – the answer revolves around the ability to ‘forge relationships’.
But how do you do that?
And this is where Brooks details ten core characteristics that are essential for success. Along with hard work and good ethics, these include gratitude, openness to feedback and an ability to encourage attitude. In other words, a good leader needs to be resilient.
Where does that leave you, the owner of your business? Clearly, quick and innovative thinking is required to move ahead. And addition, you need to take on board some personal abilities, which will help you to navigate through the changes. The two concepts are very much linked.