The hardest part of updating your LinkedIn profile, and a solution
Every now and again, business owners have to face up to that dreaded task of updating or upgrading their presence on social media. For many, especially those who run SMEs, small and medium sized enterprises, the very thought of such change can be emotionally exhausting – and I am not exaggerating.
Just recently, I took on the task of revamping my own presence on LinkedIn. I decided that it was time to do this properly, and I have been investing hours in a self-learning process. Most of the blogs have concentrated on creating a winning profile. I can offer that the Top Dog Social Media Company is particularly thorough on this aspect.
Others look at strategy creation. And a surprisingly relatively few number of articles relate your LinkedIn efforts to raking in clients. After all, let’s be frank. We write subtle and glowing praise about ourselves in order to generate additional revenues.
As I was doing my homework, I felt that something was missing in the process. Late last night, the ‘very obvious’ dawned on me. Before I could move ahead, I had to define four stages, and do so in a most clean, clear and pertinent manner.
- Define what I do
- Explain why I am successful at that task, and thus….
- What I deliver
- What are the results
Agreed, nothing too revolutionary in the first line. However, adding in the next three and also demanding specific statements that can be validated, now that is something very challenging.
As a business mentor and coach, surely I should have been aware of the fundamentals of this process. Yes. I have to admit to my guilt.
There again, as I recalled to a fitness instructor in Jerusalem this week, I remember talking to a top software sales person, who informed me that they do not update the antivirus on their home computer. (The instructor observed that he has become too casual about how he uses gym equipment and is slovenly about changing his own routines.)
And how to go about completing these four stages? Few can do it properly on their own. I strongly advise taking on the help of second party to bounce off ideas and who is not afraid to offer their own thoughts….that you may not wish to hear.