Vikings and that Jerusalem connection
Outside Iceland, the country is usually known for its Viking history, geysers, tourism and fishing. To that list, can we now add a hatred of Jerusalem? In a most bizarre act, the council of Reykjavik, the capital city of Iceland, decided this week to boycott all Israeli products. Thus, for these people, anything to do with the one Jewish state in the world of about 200 countries has become no-go territory.
Let us understand this fully. We know that this is not a national policy of Iceland. Yet, we also know that no other country has been signaled out like this. Strange. For example, also this week, Sky TV analysed those countries, which carry out executions. Saudi Arabia, Iran and the USA lead the stats. And even Palestine had the number 2 against its name. But not a murmur about all this from our councilors in the North.
So what do they wish to boycott – an act, which by the way is a complete abrogation of the terms and spirit of the World Trade Organisation?
About a year ago, Michael Ordman helped to create a wonderful post, which set out to explain what would happen if you really tried to boycott Israel. For example: –
- Throw out most Intel computers
- With them will go ALL mobile phones
- Voice messages, VOD packages, leading generic drugs, and a host of fruits and vegetables just will not enter your home
Assumedly, these are changes that the people of Reykjavik are happy to adopt at the behest of their leading councillors. However, the list would not stop there. Israel is arguably the leading supplier of water tech to dozens of third world countries.
One friend commented to me on Ordman’s list.
This is fascinating and mind blowing, but missing 2 major pieces. First, the invention of exelon, the drug at the forefront of the world’s attempt in managing Alzheimers diseases. It was invented by Professor Marta Rosin. And second, the invention and original patented technology to shrink a JPEG pics. This enables a photograph to be sent via email, whatsapp, face book. It is used by… well almost everyone. It was developed by “Picture Vision”, a Jerusalem based company, who’s CEO was Yaacov Ben Ya’acov.
Mobile, cyber, nano techs – there is no end to the involvement of the Holy Land in this industrial revolution.
And to give this some perspective, Giulio Meotti, an Italian journalist, surmised: For all the triumphs of Israel, “I don’t know another nation on earth which provides its own enemy with water, electricity, food, weapons, and medical treatment.”
If the council of Reykjavik are serious, then good luck to them in their boycott. I hope their voters and their families do not suffer too much. But I wonder if anyone will have the strength and honesty to call this act for what it is – anti-Semitism, just as practicised as far back as the eighth and ninth centuries in the days of the Vikings.