Passover, Easter and the business coach
This is one of those years, when the Jewish festival of Passover and the Christian festival of Easter coincide.
And it is a time for people to whiz off messages to each other over the internet. Most are pretty standard, but occasionally you get one with a difference. And the one seen here is a definite favourite. (Thanks Jeanine).
As a business coach and consultant, I wanted to pass on a thought that I find pertinent at this time of year, especially as we spend a few hours reading the Hagaddah – the book which recounts the exodus from Egypt.
For me, the story telling is all about finding a new meaning every year in words that never tire on me. Yet, in our day-to-day life, we readily become bogged down with turgid phrasing, which just turn off our customers and others.
On the serious side, look at these statements that are so often used when we portray ourselves, but are actually close to irrelevant. We consistently market ourselves and our companies in such a clumsy and nonsensical manner. Why?
And for a laugh, yet in a similar light, consider this clever TV analysis of President Obama. Want to understand him better? It is all about what he does not say. We simply forget to say what is going to win over others in the room, however obvious it may be. Again, why?
Whatever your faith, may you have a great week….and just give a little extra thought to what you are about to say next.