Afternoon Tea in Jerusalem Blog

In addition to my work as a business coach, one of my interests is blogging about life in Israel. This is a country full of contrasts – over eight million citizens living in an area the size of Wales. You can see snow and the lowest place on the globe in the same day. Although surrounded by geopolitical extremes, Israel has achieved a decade of high economic growth. My work brings me in contact with an array of new companies, exciting technologies and dynamic characters. Sitting back with a relaxing cup of strong tea (with milk), you realise just how much there is to appreciate in the Holyland. Large or small operations, private sector or non profit, my clients provide experiences from which others can learn and benefit.

Why every growing business needs a mentor’ is the shout from a very interesting blog I came across today.

Alternatively, would it not be wonderful if all company owners, small or large, could install a magical machine in their office that would tell them if they were heading for trouble. They would simply enter the results to a few questions. And many of these challenges would apply to people at concept stage, as well as fully established concerns. So what horror probes I am asking you – a CEO or senior manager or even an entrepreneur – to face up to?

The business model: So many people I come across do not have a clear, detailed and time-framed concept of just what they are going to sell and how over the next twelve months. Without this formula, however brilliant your product or your management skills, you may be left drifting in the market place. Do you know precisely how you will be making sales over the coming year and how this strategy can be justified?

A sales’ comparison: Go back at least two years. What is the trend in the sales chart? Now be honest with yourself. If you were to show these stats to a trusted friend or theoretical investor, would they be as positive as you……..and if not, why not?

The profit margin: I come across a lot of organisations which can never fathom out why the accountant is reporting a profit, which indicates more income tax payments, yet the bank account shows a large red sign. If you are already there, have you ever fully understood the cause for this discrepancy?

Work hours: We all know people that simply invest too much time into their commercial activities. Some justify it through results in the bottom line or as a ‘temporary thingy’. Maybe. On the other hand, there are also those who are just hanging on. They have convinced themselves that just by being there, everything will be just fine. And that would never happen to you, no?

Your mood: Bored? Tired? Calling up colleagues and suppliers over petty issues?  Should this state of mind not be telling you that something is out of place? Why are you investing so much time into matters that do not result in extra revenue?

The mood of your colleagues / employees: I always fear the day when people stop coming up to me and suggesting new ideas. Even if their ‘what if…’ is off the radar, the approach shows commitment and motivation, an effort to improve matters. Look around you. What is the level of innovation in your workspace?

Your suppliers: What I just wrote about your staff can also apply to your suppliers. Are they encouraging you to consider new ways to use their services or have they just given up on you?

Task list:  We all have one. However, does your list simply repeat itself from day to day and from week to week? If so, what does this represent about progress?

Let me return to my wonder machine. You feed in your answers, guess what message it will churn out? To but it bluntly, something needs to change, and this will be a great opportunity to call in a business mentor.


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"Michael transformed the way I think and approach working, and also how to monetize my social media and communal projects."

CEO of digital media company

"Michael helped my high tech company take off."

CEO of clean energy start up

"Michael has been an invaluable resource to me throughout all of the steps of starting up my business."

Art Studio owner

“Working with Michael Horesh is like having root canal treatment, marriage counselling and business coaching all rolled into one, successfully.”

CEO of digital media company
CEO of clean energy start up
Art Studio owner