Rapping and business coaching – how to do your best
Just another bloggers article about 4 lessons from great biz leaders?
We are told to:
- Be confident in who we are
- Think independently
- Know when to move on
Nothing too original there. What caught my eye was the fourth point from Jay Z, rapper, entrepreneur and international success story. He hits the nail on the head:
So make it a point to pursue excellence, not fame. Excellence is who you are. Fame is who you once were.
I cannot recall the number of times I have sat down to a coaching session and the client has effectively moaned how they want to copy so-and-so. Sure, you can copy methodologies and tactics. That’s fine.
However, what makes the difference is when you apply all these things, attune them to your own environment and then ensure that you carry out the tasks as well as is possible.
Only yesterday, a friend had told me how they had wanted to execute something very specific and important to them. Unfortunately, they had become confused by the plethora of advice received. In trying to be like others, clear pathways ahead had been covered by heavy clouds filled with buzz words. Help!
The solution proffered was based on four practical elements:
a) Be yourself
b) Recall what is your full aim
c) Identify what policy is truly in tandem with that aim
d) And then carry out the methodology to the best of your ability.
There is a Hollywood clip that many business coaches refer to. In the script, a team of high school football players are so caught up with complaining amongst each other that they forget what their real target was – winning. Efforts were invested in verbal challenges rather than testing their physical skills on the field.
You can see the link here. I invite you to watch in full and then carry out a very simple test. Recall any one business or work problem and then answer the following question with full honesty: “Have you done your utmost to resolve the issue. If not, what will it take to perform to the top of your ability”?