4 things the media does not tell you about Israel
The Israeli media is being fed stories of 100 students, actors, activists and otherwise who have been sent around the world to meet contemporaries at university campuses. The articles describe the hatred towards Israel that the travellers encountered.
The Israelis tried to explain how in their view the opinions of the locals were misconceived and based on false premises. Their line was that Israel is a country that suffers from problems effecting its very survival, yet maintains a vibrant, open and democratic society.
No country is perfect. But are the allegations against Israel true or false? Here are three anecdotal pieces of evidence from recent days to help the jury decide.
IsraAID is an NGO, which enables Israel to provide support to peoples in need around the globe. For example, it is facilitating the first ever gender-based anti -violence training programme to take place in South Sudan. 30 social workers will be placed in the Juba region, backed by three top-level Israeli therapists.
Israel has not been totally succesful in absorbing the Ethiopian community into society. That said, you know that times are a changing, when an Ethiopian – and a female at that – is appointed by Jerusalem as its new ambassador in Addis Ababa. Belaynesh Zevadia emigrated to Israel in her teens. Armed with a masters degree and a host of diplomatic experience, she will find herself back in her country of birth for a three year stint.
The accusations against Israel’s army are many. They serve to hide the official name of the army, which is ZAHAL – Israel’s Defence Forces. It is an phrase which has meaning on a day-to-day basis. The latest indication of this is how all recruits now have to give a bone marrow samples., which allows Israel to claim that it has the highest registration level in the world. And whilst certain diseases display have a higher level amongst Ashkenazi Jews, this is a data bank open to the whole population.
The plight of women in the Middle East is well documented and continues to cause concern. Israel is not without its share of domestic violence issues, but that does not put it on a par with the likes of Iran nor the hostility shown by Egyptians towards female journalists in Tahir Square. After all, three of Israel’s leading political parties are led by women, as is the retiring head of the Supreme Court of Justice.