So what inspires you?
I was pleasantly surprised at the positive reaction to my previous two postings on what inspires different people. Maybe it is one of those themes that people are just waiting to be directed towards.
And he subject came up in conversation earlier this week. I was trying to establish with a client what motivates their agents. Within 60 seconds, several answers had been thrown around, yet nobody could be sure what was the definitive reason.
This morning, I was caught by an internet posting on what or who encourages London entrepreneurs. Apparently, women look for guidance from Harry Potter creator, Ms. J.K. Rowling. However, menfolk go in a totally different direction, preferring the gruff Mr. Alan Sugar.
Consider power point presentations – whose main aim is to convince or inspire people to carry out new actions. A business acquaintance, Siu Ling Hui, recently directed her twitter followers to a site with 33 brilliant and dynamic slide shows. My own favourite is “steal the presentation“, but again each to their own.
One thing that these anecdotes show is that inspiration is very much a trait that is specific to the individual. Be it for academic or environmental or whatever reasons, each one of us responds in our own different way.
What is important is to find a way which allows you to believe in yourself and then allow that method to come through for you.