Setting up your business – learning from a bracelet
My prospective client asked me, Mr Business Coach, how I could help him set up his new operation. After my reply, he told me that he already knew all that. So I asked him what he wanted.
Silence! In one breath, he realised that he did not know and he seemed reluctant to let others try on his behalf.
I have said it before and I will say it again. Planning with a defined, logical vision is essential, before you kick off.
Look at the story of Silly Bandz – US$5 packets of silicone bracelets, making a fortune for the owners. Robert Croak, the founder, clearly understood from the beginning what needed to be done. He hit on an idea, realised how conventional marketing would take too long to work, and thus used a social media campaign. His rapid success has been recorded on Bloomberg, CNN et al.
And when the initial effect wears off and others begin to copy him?
We’ve been planning some new products that will make Silly Bandz a household name for the next 5 to 10 years.
Know your direction. Know your numbers. Ask yourself some hard questions to confirm that everything is reasonable. And go for it.