Israel & Afghanistan – new twist in the tale
Ask people about the link between Israel and Afghanistan, and the answer is usually something to do with trouble or fighting. But now there are other commonalities, many of which will be really positive for the rest of the world.
It is not just that both have improving cricket teams. Nor that Islamic fanatics are trying to kick out exisitng governing sytems. Almost overnight, it seems that both countries are sitting on vast and lucrative raw materials.
It is now an accepted fact that Israel has large reserves of gas deposits, particularly offshore. It will not be long before Israel becomes an energy exporter, a dream in a pipeline just a few years back.
But that is not all. There are increasing indications that Israel does possess oil, although the levels have yet to be substantiated. Never mind the OECD. At this rate, Jerusalem will be applying for membership of the holy-of-holies, OPEC! In any event, the country’s economic balance is set to change significantly in the next few years, and others will need to engage this economic ability.
As for Afghanistan, the hell hole for British, Russian, Pakistani and NATO troops over decades, a miracle has emerged out of the emptiness and poppy fields. Pentagon sources are saying that there is real gold in dem hills. And not only, but also copper, iron, lithium and more. In other words, NATO finally does have something tangible to fight for and to protect.
Business often has a funny way of interferring with predertermined global politics. It will be interesting to observe how voting blocks at the UN and elsewhere begin to change as the dollar signs start to light up.