Bags and motivated entrepreneurs
Crumplers is the wonder “entrepreneur” case study that everybody loves to read about. The founders dropped out of school, started an initial business that outsmarted the mega players, were forced out by a legality, and have moved on to something even bigger.
Crumplers manufacture and sell really good bags, specifically courrier bags. Nothing special there you may think, except for their handsome profits.
And that’s the point. Walk down your average high street, and you will find a least one shop selling handbags and similar attire. And you never find the one you want. Just a coincidence?
Daniel Citron almost won an internet competition worth US$15,000 to set up a new collection of bags. Yup, he too had seen an opening in the market.
A couple of months back, a client was looking for a bag to hand out at a conference she was organising in Jerusalem. Nothing complicated, just something presentable and with a logo. However, it took numerous phone calls and web searches and discussions to find a quality item, of the right size, practical, which did not come with a glaring bring pink backing.
What drives the Crumplers’ team? I do not know them personally, but let’s return momentarily to one of my favourite gurus, Dr Robert Brookes. His latest considerations on motivation is a must read and provides us with some answers. Remember, despite their talents, these people left school with few qualifications, yet Brookes posits that: –
I have found that in both the business world and in schools, autonomy helps to create “motivating environments.” Affording employees, faculty, and/or students some choice does not minimize the authority of supervisors or managers. Instead I believe it enhances a sense of ownership, responsibility, and accountability in all members of that environment. As I have expressed in previous writings, intrinsic motivation is enriched when individuals are provided with opportunities to have their voices heard. So-called “top-down direction” frequently triggers feelings of resentment, lessening any possible satisfaction or joy associated with the activity.
Brookes concludes with a very powerful comment from a colleague:
And we know that the richest experiences in our lives aren’t when we’re clamoring for validation from others, but when we’re listening to our own voice—doing something that matters, doing it well, and doing it in the service of a cause bigger than ourselves.
All Crumplers et al want to do is to help people, and they have shown why they are good at it.