Soap, Syrian army, cricket; What motivates you?
You are standing on the dock and you can always stand on that dock. Always. Or you can get in a boat and push off.
Thus wrote Zack Arias. Zack’s blog was introduced to me by an IIB colleague, Tiffany Kemp.
Zack’s style does not appeal to me. He is too full of descriptive terminology, roaming around the main point. But what a point he has to deliver. Whatever your background, YOU, each of us, has something mega to offer to many other people. So stop hanging around and watching other people’s boats, when you have the ability to handle dome of you own sailing.
Even if you are down in the dumps – prison, drugs, poor health – somewhere inside of you is something desperately wanting to illuminate the world. And what will drive you on to that creativity?
M-o-t-i-v-a-t-i-o-n. That massive gutfull of determination from within!
Zach’ next blog is an interview with a door-to-door soap salesman. This guy has a police record and few substantial resources. So what? Weighing firmly against these restrictions is a new inner realisation that he can succeed, deserves to succeed and will succeed just like anybody else. As Zack wrote: –
This goes out to everyone who fears your past. For everyone who wonders if you can make it. For everyone who hates your poor, lush, desk job that seems to suck the life out of you. Do you fear rejection? Make sure you watch the video.
If we look around our environment, we will see just how importnt this drive and verve is in out lives. Last week, I was touring Israel with my family. We came across a spot, which is placed firmly in Israeli military folklore – a heavily fortified Syrian bunker, perched on a hill, and which was captured in hand-to-hand fighting. How? How did the Israeli soldiers succeed against all odds? My 18 year old son immediately threw out the word – “motivation”, and there the discussion ended.
Amazing. As a teenager, he had understood. My parents never spoke to me in such terms. A generation thingy?
My daughter has ADHD. She wears it on her sleeve, doing well in her studies because of the issue and not in spite of it. She has just passed a hell of a course to become a junior instructor for the country’s ambulance brigade.
In a few hours time, I will turn on my internet radio, and pick up the latest scores from my favourite cricket team, Middlesex. It is a side that possesses real talent, both amongst the newer and senior members of the squad. These players know how to perform and can perform. And yet, they have done naff all for most of the season.
Blame bad luck. Blame injuries. Whatever. Something inhibits the team to dispose of the opposition frequently and effectively.
I have made my point. So has Zack. Time for the Middlesex management to convert that in to tangible action.
I’m so glad I found this site…Keep up the good work
You’re welcome
Fun writing it, and I try to add something new on my key subjects.
This site rocks!