That was the week that was for women, in Israel
Last week, Israeli women gave a global lesson in equality.
Let’s start with the general election Like her or not, and whatever the final make up of the new government, most commentators accept that Foreign Minister, Ms Tzipi Livni, ran the best campaign. She came from behind in the polls to become the largest party. She looked comfortable slipping into jeans and boogying at a disco. She was the lady to fear.
And as for Avigdor Lieberman, he may be the enemy of the foreign press, but of his electoral list, 4 are counted as former models. And one of those is the daughter of a former deputy Prime Minister. Yup, women did well in the polling booths.
But the successes do not stop there. Bar Raphaeli, Israel’s best-looking export and long-time partner of Leonardo DiCaprio, made the front cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. This is a lady who is proud to acknowledge her own natural beauty in tandem with that of her homeland.
Possibly even more sensational was the triumph of Hila Plitman. Growing up near the centre of modern Jerusalem, this soprano picked up a Grammy award. She received the attribute as in the category of best classical vocal performance.
Israel may be locked in to much of the culture of the Middle East, but she continues to offer pluralism and democarcy, In fact, a female duo has been chosen to represent Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest, a Jewess and a Muslim.
Curiously, Saudi Arabia has just appointed its first female deputy minister. Yet another case of Israel showing others in the region the benefits of her open society.