Israel – learning from Wall Street’s mistakes
The fall of real estate in America, the collapse of several banks, retail chains like Woolworths disappearing – they all have something in common with the Madoff disaster. Greed. Most of us have been trying to make a bigger buck, and too quickly.
So, it has been refreshing this week to come across two Israeli start ups that are taking a step-by-step approach. Although in different fields, they share common features. They have developed a new technology. And they are taking a “softly softly” approach to the market channels overseas.
Leviathan Energy generates around 20% more energy from wind turbines by altering velocity input. In a global market, which is expected to expand around 30% p.a. for several years to come, including 2009, this makes them an exciting propositon.
The company has 3 product lines. Significantly, they are not looking to move them all at once. In fact, they are seeking joint ventures, partnerships which are a healthy feature of the cleantech phenomenon. They are prepared to share some of the “treasure”, and to help the environment at the same time.
Now leap over to Covertix, which has drawn up an ERP solution for companies to track, manage and control documentation. Covertix anticipates finishing beta trials in early 2009, and has an impressive list of leading names already demanding installations.
As above, my discussions with Covertix senior management show that they know the importance of learning to walk before you can run the world. Serious marketing will commence only once the trial stage has been completed.
You cannot just print money. Neither can you invent it. It has to be supported by something of value. It is this new and true value that these Israeli companies are creating, and which has been missing for years around the international financial markets.